Saturday 29 September 2018

Triangulating a Moral Universe

As moral beings we all need to understand and navigate the moral universe in which we operate. We used to find our way in a real objective one. Now we create our own off the shelf products for convenient use. This involves finding a moral landmark which can be assumed to be an absolute of good or evil. For this purpose, men, the patriarchy, Donald Trump or Jacob Rees-Mogg are enlisted because it is felt that they can be safely demonised. (Imagine how often on FB you hear - "you like JRM therefore you must be bad..."). Once the landmark is fixed a whole new universe is triangulated from it. The problem is that these artificial universes will often be at odds with the real one - the one which we don't create. Then comes the clash.........and the interesting thing is that, because a whole psychological framing (and a form of artificially created sanity) depends on these triangulated universes, the owners of them will fight tooth and nail to defend and assert them (the actual issue they are arguing about is really secondary). They know that, if they lose, the world will come crashing down.

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