Saturday 16 February 2019

The Destruction of Ascendancy

The aim of our society is, as a matter of routine, to destroy any form of ascendency on which we depend. Any form of useful authority or dynamic is now considered to be synonymous with exploitation and oppression against which we need to battle and there is no distinction between these things. The teaching dynamic is disallowed as those being taught assume their teachers have nothing to teach them and are fools or even culprits. Adulthood cravenly abdicates it’s responsibility to childhood. Government ceases to be a guarantor of peace and good order and becomes a hapless scapegoat blamed for all failures in the perfection of the life experience of the governed. The sexual dynamic, previously the source of amity, joy, consolation and comfort, is now the very basis for enmity and warfare. Good is now evil, evil good.

This is seen as the beneficial levelling of hierarchies as hierarchy is the enemy. Perhaps though, it is the rasing of the very edifices on which civilisation depends.

Were one of a religious cast of mind one might be forgiven for thinking a wicked spirit is abroad.

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