Saturday 23 March 2019

Leave Means Leave

Each word is Reason’s rescue from a marsh
of incoherence, raised up, dry into
the light - a resurrection that can parse
awareness, bringing sense in retinue.

And moral grammar underlies the words
just as precise as syntax. Sin is sin
regardless of evasion. Speech affords
a midwife’s help to show the truth within.

A word is say-so given, ushering meaning
into a public land; it crosses on
such passport stamps (on which all are convening)
accredited by common lexicon.

Our culture is defined by lexical
precision, so a word means this not that.
We thrive by paying attention - pivotal -
to fail invites sharpest caveat.

Lip-service paid to rigour damns a poem
whose quiddity is strictness, being built
of words. All casual departure from
observance makes an edifice on tilt.

And we ourselves are meaning, as, in us
alone, it dwells. To cut the tether tying
right sense to words our suicide and, thus
do we assist our victory in its dying.

If public men conspire to cut such ties,
their definition lost, horse-trading sense 
for fear of taking issue with mere lies,
then few words can be said in their defence.

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